Saturday, March 10, 2018
My deepest condolences to Velda’s family.
Velda and I grew up together in Tupper, and spent many happy days, playing outside. I remember we would take our skipping ropes and skip down the gravel road from the Tupper Store to the park. That was about 2 miles! Today I’m sure that would be considered a “workout”. To us it was just fun!
We would stop in and visit neighbours, especially old Percy and raid his strawberry patch.
One of our favourite pastimes was to set up a lemonade stand across from the store. We would catch people coming and going from the store. When we thought we had made a bundle of money, we would go to the store and spend it all on candy! One time we ate so much candy, we were both sick to our stomaches!
To the family - Cherish all of your memories of Velda! May God’s Peace Be with you all.