Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Sad to hear about Daves's passing and please accept my condolences to the family.
I first met Dave in the late 70's at Loiselle Transport as he was my direct supervisor. Through the next 10 years of working for Dave I respected Dave's ability to work harder than anyone I have met. And he taught me so much about work ethics. Dave's dedication didn't go without "coffee room" politic conversations on how the company could improve, but he never showed disrespect to other workers that would work hard.
I remember a few times on a grocery day when we shipped food up the alaska highway where we would all sample the fresh grapes or strawberries and as long as we made sure Dave got his samples we knew we were all safe from us getting into trouble.
I will keep all memories forever in my heart about Dave, he was one of the greatest guys I ever have known, rest now Dave as you deserve it......