Wednesday, August 5, 2020
so sad to hear u left us :( so when i´m coming back u r not in your store, hard to believe... remember i came always with difficult things to sew. this is also my job, but i needed your special leathermachine or tools. sometimes i took tools home to moberly and it was alright for u, how kind :) one time the zipper on my motorcycle jacket broke and we wanted to go on tour next day, u was busy but allowed me to use your machine. i got us something for lunch and fixed my jacket, we always talked like old friends when i was there. we fixed a sewingmachine together, taking all parts off, was scarry, but we made it and we was very happy afterwards. i will miss u, rest in peace Sonia until we seen each other again. condolences to all your family
love from Dresden / Germany Katie